How do we know what’s true?

Third video in the series from Stephen Fry

This new animation from Humanists UK is entitled “How do we know what’s true?” and explains the humanist approach to understanding reality, thinking rationally, and the scientific method.

Learn more about the national That’s humanism campaign at

Event report: October 19th meeting with Dr. Antony Lempert

What is lost? Wide-ranging talk about the influence of religion across the world

In this event report, our newsletter editor Frances Lloyd summarises the excellent talk given by Dr. Antony Lempert at the first in-person meeting of the Ludlow and Marches Humanists for over a year.

Dr. Antony Lempert is a GP practicing in Knighton and is Chair of the Secular Medical Forum (SMF) of the National Secular Society (NSS). He is President of the Shropshire division of the British Medical Association (BMA) and, as a BMA representative since 2009, he has engaged in frequent debate about secular and other issues at the BMA’s annual representatives meeting. The SMF provides expert and professional advice and opinion to the NSS and the BMA. It also contributes to consultations on issues related to healthcare. Antony was a founder member of our Humanist group.

This was an excellent and wide-ranging talk about the influence of religion across the world and Antony examined what humanity has lost as a result. Religious behaviours are accepted and lauded as normal in many societies and countries. In others there is religious persecution e.g. the Uighur Muslims in China. Some people and regimes see secularism as a threat and those with non-religious views as inferior. Secularism is often misinterpreted.

Continue reading “Event report: October 19th meeting with Dr. Antony Lempert”

New Stephen Fry video: How Can I Be Happy?

First in a series of four new animations for That’s humanism! campaign

Humanists UK has teamed up with its patron Stephen Fry to explore humanist ideas about some of life’s biggest questions. The new social media campaign is called That’s humanism!

Across the four animated videos, Stephen Fry explores how a humanist perspective grounded in rational thinking and kindness can be empowering, motivating, humbling, or even liberating.

As the videos come out, we’ll add them to our website. Here’s the first one called How Can I Be Happy?

Learn more about the campaign at