Decision to deny humanists voice on RE in Southampton to be retaken after legal threat

Human rights, SACREs, and the law

People may have seen some recent media coverage about Southampton Council agreeing to revisit a decision blocking local humanist Mary Wallbank from joining Southampton’s Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE).

With the support of Humanists UK, Ms Wallbank is making a legal challenge on the basis that her exclusion violates human rights law.

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Alice Roberts – Morals Without Religion

The Unholy Mrs Knight and the Hypocritical Humanist

In the key note lecture from the 2019 Humanists UK Convention, Humanists UK President Professor Alice Roberts takes us on a personal exploration of Margaret Knight’s 1950s radio essay series, ‘Morals Without Religion’, to examine changing attitudes to, and controversies around, the idea of non-religious morality. She discusses the place of faith schools in modern Britain and why arguments against them often provoke fierce debate.